Oh yes, I deserve some serious bragging rights this afternoon. So proud. So very proud.
If you read Clean it Out and Earn a Treat yesterday, then you know that, in my quest to clean out my pantry, I broke my food disposal. It was a sad moment; I tried to skim over it in my post as if it weren’t a big deal so that I could celebrate the cleanliness of the pantry, but realistically, I was pretty bummed. You don’t realize how much you actually use a food disposal until you don’t have one. I spent 22 years not having one and that was enough for me.
But then today came. And today, my friends, is a glorious day! Why? Two reasons.
1. I fixed the food disposal. That’s right. All by myself. No help. Granted, it was pretty easy. I remembered my best friend’s husband talking one day about how their disposal broke and he found out there was a little red button you had to push to reset it, so I looked under the sink and, loh and behold: little red button. So sure, fixing the disposal was literally as easy as the push of a button, but I did it and I’m proud.
And for the other reason today is fantastic:
2. Not only have I managed to make wise food choices when other ones would’ve been just as easy, but I’ve actually craved healthy food.
That’s the beauty of notjustacarnivore – what I’m trying to learn to do isn’t just eat “diet” food. In fact, it’s not diet food at all. It’s healthy food. It’s food that, even if it’s sugar or calorie content is a little higher (which I do strive to avoid), it still contains so many ingredients that are good for my body that I can rejoice in eating it. And, most importantly, it’s healthy food that tastes good.
What I’m deeming “the notjustacarnivore project” is not just about being healthy, it’s about learning to be healthy and enjoying it. If we feel deprived or we constantly eat food we hate, major food binges will undoubtedly head our way, and it can’t be good for us mentally either. But with this project, we can find foods we truly love and crave, so that eating well isn’t a chore, it’s a pleasure.
When you find healthy foods or recipes you love, I’d love for you to post a comment about it, or post a link to your own blog, because this isn’t just my project; it’s all of ours.
Today’s Strides Toward Healthy Living
How did this come about today, you ask? (Let’s just pretend you asked, if you don’t mind.)
It was about lunch time. I was on the computer looking at wedding dresses on Rue La La for a friend when John walked in the door and said, “Want to go out to lunch?” He was passing by on his way to do some things for work outside of the office, and who in her right mind gives up a chance to eat lunch with such an amazing fiance when it’s at all possible to do so? Not this girl.
Only problem: he used the word “out.” Out is scary. I can’t control what’s in my food when I’m out. But this project is all about balance, so I have to learn to eat out too and not to allow it to be a scary word that deserves to be italicized.
So out we went (no italics this time; I’m brave; I’m balanced.) to this fantastic little soup/salad/sandwich joint a few blocks away called Breadwinner. The beautiful thing about Breadwinner is that you can eat fantastically healthily or absolutely terribly; it’s up to you. That’s also the problem with it. What if my will power just isn’t there? What if I really am craving that tomato basil bisque and grilled pimento cheese sandwhich? That’s tough. But today, I had will power, and John ordered his usual favorite, which just happens to be pretty healthy anyway.

John's choice: hoisin salmon with broccoli salad and "health" salad - basically cole slaw with white wine vinegar instead of mayonnaise.
Admittedly, I found myself a little hungry two hours later. That’s where I earn even more bragging rights. I’d had will power at lunch, but got hungry soon after, when I actually craved something that’s good for me.
Remember the baked blueberry bliss from the other day? I reheated some of it in the oven (totally the way to go – heat at 400 degrees for just a few minutes so the oats can regain their crispiness), threw some Amande blueberry yogurt on the side, and now I’m totally satisfied, while also feeling like I just had a gloriously indulgent dessert. Amazing.
This is what notjustacarnivore is all about. Enjoying the beauty of a healthy lifestyle. And that’s something to celebrate.