After the success that was Meatless Monday and the beauty of yesterday’s relaxed with yummy food healthiness, today has been…well…interesting.
It started off beautifully, but then, getting off the interstate, this happened.
So that sucked. And my neck hurts. But thankfully, no one was actually hurt (just mild soreness) and the damage was obviously pretty minor. Although he’ll need more work than I will.
In the end, all turned out well. We’re both safe, and the guy who hit me was really nice, as was I, and damage is pretty minimal, so there shouldn’t be any issues. Fingers crossed, at least. You never know with these things.
Thankfully, some things can make any day better, and at the top of that list is…
YAY for Peas and Crayons!
I’m only going to do the first half of the day this time. Dinner will remain a mystery, mostly because I’m ready for WIAW and it’s not dinner time yet. I might start photographing Tuesday to post on Wednesday. We’ll see. So without further ado…
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip muffin. Not pictured: protein shake.
I was starving when lunch time rolled around (I ate late thanks to the fender bender), and when I pulled out my pita bread, all excited for hummus and pimento cheese (not together), I found lots and lots of mold. At least I know Whole Foods isn’t into preservatives I also know that I need to eat my pita bread more quickly. So into the trash that went and, considering that I’m out of veggies and most other food, I did the easiest, quickest thing I could think of and grabbed an oven-bake pizza. While waiting for it to cook, I enjoyed this.
Then came the pizza.
I love Amy’s products, including her pizza. It’s the best oven-bake pizza I’ve found, and it has all organic ingredients with a whole wheat crust. It’s still pizza, so not the healthiest option, but definitely a healthier way to go about eating pizza.
And look at this cheesy goodness.
The best is actually the 4-Cheese Pizza with herbs, but they were out of that at the store. And I’m out of food, so no toppings for me. Enjoyed it, though!
Do you enjoy any frozen foods?
Do you have any interesting fender bender stories?
{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }
Ohhh i’m kind of obsessed with amys pizza!
Yeah, i’ve never had a fender bender, i did hit some guys trailer changing lanes once but it was old and obviously didn’t care and drove off 😛
Love your blog, thanks for commenting on mine, i’m off to read more of yours now
oh no! fender benders are the worst! i’m glad you’re ok. and that peanut butter muffin looks DELICIOUS!
ps…when i do WIAW it’s usually what i eat on monday or tuesday
ps…when i do WIAW it’s usually what i eat on monday or tuesday
Aw I’m sorry about the accident
that’s no fun.
That pizza looks pretty good! I like frozen veggies, and ice cream… but other than that I Don’t eat that much frozen food